6 More Weeks of Cocktails


This morning, Pennsylvania's most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, emerged from his cozy burrow, saw his tiny shadow, and predicted six more weeks or winter. We all proceeded to groan as we dug our cars out of the 20 inches of snow that fell in Chicago from Saturday night to Monday morning.

But we do have a trick to make these next six weeks (or, more realistically, next two-three months) a little bit more bearable--a series of six Groundhog Day cocktails, concocted in the style of one of one of our favorite Bill Murray movies, Groundhog Day.


Punxsutawney Phil

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass


Seer of Seers

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass


Sage of Sages

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass


Prognosticator of Prognosticators

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass


Weather Prophet Extraordinary

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass


Bill Murray's Marmotini*

In a chilled glass add:

1 bellringer (rinse) of KOVAL Apple Brandy


2 oz KOVAL Bourbon

1/2  oz Tawny Port

1 bar spoon maple syrup

1 dash of Walnut Bitters

Strain to bellrung glass

*Marmotini is the the tribe of ground squirrels. We may or may not have gotten deep into the groundhog tunnel of the internet while writing this post. 

Header Image: Chuddlesworth/Flickr
